Full Version: 1967 500 Hood latch?
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Got a couple questions about the hood latch on my 67 500. Were these cars offered with hood release cables? Anyone have pics of how the latch is supposed to be set up? Mine has the release lever on top of the grille, but it isn't connected to anything. The previous owner hooked a metal wire to the latch release and put a heavy washer on it, so I've gotta reach up behind the bumper and pull the wire just the right way to release the hood. Just trying to figure out how it's supposed to be.

I, myself haven't seen inside hood releases on these cars, but maybe so, Richard, do you show any in the parts catalog?
Charger only that year
Not great pics but might help. This is my 67 Coronet 500.............

Thanks for the info. Based on markz pics I may be missing something. I have the release lever that comes over the grille, but nothing for the end of the lever to work against. Possibly the wrong latch? Here are some pics.


Yes it looks like it has a broken off piece in pics
I'm sure I have spares laying around I can send you but traveling till end of next week (in Brazil). PM me if you want me to look when I get back.
I agree with you Andy, 1967 Coronet models did not come from the factory with standard, or optional interior mounted hood release assemblies.

Thanks for all the input guys.

Hello Smoke,

I'm not suppose to post any information directly from any of the Chrysler Factory Parts Books, including the 1967 Chrysler Factory Parts Book that I have due to possible copyright infringement issues, but below is a small portion of one of the factory diagrams that shows all of the 1967 Coronet hood latch and lock assembly parts so that you can verify which parts you might need to replace on your 1967 Coronet 500. If you need factory part numbers for any of these parts that you're missing, or that are damaged, just let me know and I will post them for you.


[Image: 1967%20FPB%20-%201967%20Dodge%20Coronet%...g~original]
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