Full Version: 11" Drum brake self adjuster question
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I'm workin' on the brakes in my '68 Super Bee. When I took things apart on the front brakes, I found that it did not have the self adjusters hooked up. Instead it had a star lock spring as in this photo


I wanted to install the self adjusters so I bought some parts and put it together like this.5597 Obviously the eye on the self adjuster cable needs to go on the backing plate anchor. I've tried every method that I could think of to get that stinkin thing hooked up properly. The closest that I got to getting it into place (with the hook under the bracket at the bottom, and the eye on the anchor ) was by using a screwdriver as a lever and sliding the cable down the shaft of the screwdriver . The problem was that I couldn't get the tip of the screwdriver and the cable into the space between the shoe and the cable guide. Can I file a little off the edge of the cable guide? Anyone have a good suggestion for putting this %$%%#^ thing on?
Maybe I'd be better off using the star lock spring again and adjusting the brakes manually?
With out the spring that goes to cable guide in is the cable guide sit nice and flush on shoe? It must sit flush to make everything work right. If not file or drill it to correct size. You should not have to modify guide.

When I put it together I put spring on adjuster lever last with adjuster backed off all way.

And when you install cable on top pin flip it around from way you have resting in pic.
Pin that is pressed into shoe, I would remove since it is for another type lever and might get in way of your lever.
Thanks, Andy...the guide does sit flush. When the spring is in place, the cable will not fit in the space between the guide and the shoe. I tried the way you suggested but maybe I'll try it again. I mean, after all, that's your business and you've probably done it thousands of times. Wink And... I was wondering what purpose that pin served, I'm gonna remove it as you suggested.
The cable fits on the guide not in between guide and shoe, think of it as a belt on a pulley
There should be a groove in guide if not its defective. That is where cable rides.
Yep it has the groove. I had to buy that new 'cause there were none on the car. I'm gonna try to put these on the way you suggested/
Take your time you will get
I didn't listen to this completely, but you should take a look at this:
Thanks guys.... I tried Andy's suggestion and put the spring, for the adjuster, on last. When I tried that the first time, I had a hard time anchoring the brake spring pliers so I could get enough 'pull'. They always slipped so I made an anchor using a 1/4-20 bolt (through an unused hole in the shoe) and an 'L' bracket. That worked great.
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