Sorry to post this but it is so quiet on here now.
Our active members are low compared to people signed up. I wonder what can be done to rejuvenate this forum.
I have had thoughts on it. Maybe the forum software needs an upgrade or even more drastically change to another one that allows a few features that are missing here.
1- Posting images. Upload from computer OR by using URL. I realize the upload option is there but the result is less than optimal. Sizing is either set too small for example, or the forum cannot handle the addition of uploaded photos correctly.
2- Cannot 'thank' or 'like' posts. IN such a socially aware world, this is a huge issue in my opinion. And not seeing visual feedback on a post you might make to help someone out, is an oversight.
3- Photo albums. Where are they? I cannot find them, the menu up there get's me to MY own..Where are all the others, and why is it so hard to find them?
I am not sure how this will be received, but obviously I care about this forum otherwise I would have just stopped using it. But as it stands I use another very busy forum for mopar related things now. As it has posts all the time, throughout each day.
This could be a great forum, but we need more members contributing.
Thank you for the input Tek. Alot of this was already discussed here
I'll try to address your comments below.
1- Posting images. Upload from computer OR by using URL. I realize the upload option is there but the result is less than optimal. Sizing is either set too small for example, or the forum cannot handle the addition of uploaded photos correctly.
No argument from me on this one. The only decent image upload option available was removed from Vbulletin because of the security issues the libraries it ran on. I'm sure there may some plug-ins available for Vbulletin we can use, I'll see if I can find one that will work with our setup.
2- Cannot 'thank' or 'like' posts. IN such a socially aware world, this is a huge issue in my opinion. And not seeing visual feedback on a post you might make to help someone out, is an oversight.
Not an oversight, just the way the software is designed. To me, someone saying "Thank you for the help" goes much farther than clicking on a "Like" button.
3- Photo albums. Where are they? I cannot find them, the menu up there get's me to MY own..Where are all the others, and why is it so hard to find them?
This was a conscious decision by Kevin and myself to not include the additional photo album software. The version owned was not compatible with the new version of Vbulletin, and the cost was prohibitive to include it. I'll see if there is a way to make the albums others have created more accessible.
Few things that need to be considered about the DCR. There is no money made by Kevin or myself to keep it operational. Kevin shells out quite a chunk of change each year to keep it going, (site hosting fees, Vbulletin maintenance costs, etc), and I spend a decent amount of time doing the technical side of it. Unlike Moparts, FBBO or others websites, there is no income derived from the site from advertising or subscription fees. The closest thing you'll see to advertising is a link to St Judes Children's Hospital at the bottom of the page. Any money that Kevin does get is via donations, and many times that doesn't come close to covering the cost to run it. Also, neither Kevin nor I are web developers. We're both system geek types who just happen to enjoy running this forum.
So we'll never be like Moparts when it comes to content or ability to sell parts, nor will you ever get embarassed when a advertising cookie causes a penis enlargement ad to appear while on FBBO. However, you will find the nicest group of Mopar owners around.
I know of forums software restrictions, I run a few myself. So I understand that decisions have to be made etc.
The album thing is something I did not know. SO I have always wondered why there were no others. Now i know why.
I've never had any questionable ads on FBBO, but then again I block all ads in my browser as a rule, so I do not get them anywhere else either

even on Facebook!
I also know that costs are involved with forums, I foot the bill on 4 of them right now. Which is why I donate to this one.
The community here is good when it is ticking over. We just have to get something going, so we have more like minded members posting and commenting etc. That is all I raised this topic for really. Thanks for posting back mate!

I first signed up here 9yrs ago, and back then the place was much busier than it was here. The reason for it was a large majority of the active users weren't Coronet owners. There were lot of A-body owners, and even a few Ford/Chevy owners. We even had someone that wrote for various Mopar rags as a member. As time went by, sites like FBBO/FABO showed up, and one even started his own forum. His site is really popular because it's no holds barred type of place, the kind where pictures we have in Scruffy's are tame. Over time, board usage started to drop down.
I'll look at the picture uploading albums items next week. There are a couple other changes I'm thinking of making, I need to talk it over with Kevin first. We both want the board to be a productive place for people to meet and learn.
I think Kevin and Mike do a great job here, this coming from a real stupid person when it comes to computers!!
Thanks Steve

As I stated in my "Interesting DCR Facts" thread, we do have a troubling difference between "total members" and "total active member" numbers as most web sites that I belong to, or help out on do, but with a narrowed member audience here on the DCR due to us focusing in on one particular car line rather than a wide range of Mopars as many other Mopar web sites do, we really need as many of our smaller community to participate as possible to keep things interesting and that's simply not happening. All web site have "terminal lurkers", but when we're dealing with a much smaller group, "terminal lurkers" are very detrimental to the web site as a whole.
I always try to live by the "pay it forward" way of doing things and that means that if someone has an issue and is helped by someone, they should "pay it forward" by trying to do the same for someone else going forward. To come here, or anywhere else for that matter and have all of your questions answered and then never contribute back simply isn't being an active and productive member of this or any other on-line community and that really should bother you.
Come on folks, don't you ever get tired of me and a few others here talking all of the time? Ask questions, start new threads about topics that interest you, join in on an existing conversation, just do SOMETHING to keep things entertaining and interesting here on the DCR! Some of us spend LOTS of time day in and day out trying to do that and we'd sure like others to help!
For the record - I love the DCR, these are the nicest bunch of guys (and gals) in the Mopar community. Many members have given me parts, advice and even helped me hunt down parts. I've tried to pay it forward as much as I can too. I will agree that it gets a little "slow" on the site sometimes but I've seen it busy too. IMO MoParts is only good for buying/selling parts, I do spend time on FBBO but it gets boring too. The DCR is a little more personal and I like it that way. My only complaint is that we do not have a true "Registry" I think we should take another look at setting one up, how 'bout it Mike, Piper? I know money is an issue so I am willing to contribute to the cause, as well as input on how to set it up - what say you my fellow DCR members ?
theman440 Wrote:we should take another look at setting one up, how 'bout it Mike, Piper? I know money is an issue so I am willing to contribute to the cause, as well as input on how to set it up - what say you my fellow DCR members ?
Kevin handles the registry, but he's OOC for awhile so I'll have to answer for him.
Yup, the issue with getting the registry up and running again is the cost. Kevin's had a few offers from members here to do it, and they always peter out. I know he's given parts/money to someone to do the work, and once they got it, they became ghosts. He's talked to some other people, and the quote's he's gotten back have been quite high. (Think rebuild cost of a big block and you'll get the picture.) It's not a one time cost either to do this, as the registry is built and information gets input, issues are going to pop up, and to get them fixed we have to pay.
So he's still trying to find someone. It's just a matter of finding someone that can do it for a price that is affordable.