Full Version: The Right Stuff spindle recall WTF!!
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Well like most I got my certified letter on Friday letting me know that I have to now REMOVE my front spindles
on my Coronet!! WTF! Like I really want to do that!! Just more small fixes to what I have left!! Maybe they should
have these spindles made in America and not Chinese POS!! So for anyone who does not know if you have The Right
Stuff spindles in your car you will probably have to take them out and replace them... This is the 3rd problem I have
had with there products! NEVER AGAIN!!! I bet they don't even pick up the labor cost!!!
What are they doing for a replacement
Be thankful you found out via the letter rather than via the "WTF" method.

Are they sending new spindles or giving a refund?

(BTW.. 30yrs ago, it was cheap Indian s**t sold by the aftermarket suspension companies, now it's China. I know.. I used to work for one of em..)
Well, you have to rip out the old spindles and then send them back and when they recieve them thye will ship out the new ones. I ahve to call them today. They have to have been bought from Jan 21, 2014 to Sept 23, 2014.
Instead of tying the car up, buy the new spindles and then get them to credit you. Of course, you should check with them first.
I'm surprised they aren't following their regular defective part procedure. Call them, give them CC number and they'll ship you new parts. If don't return them within 30 days, you get charged.
67440Dodge Wrote:I'm surprised they aren't following their regular defective part procedure. Call them, give them CC number and they'll ship you new parts. If don't return them within 30 days, you get charged.

I already called them and this is something new. I talked with the owner of the company and they will not have the replacement parts in up to 30 days.
That explains why on another forum they returned somone's payment rather than fill the order.

I got a feeling they going to be purchasing individual spindles from another company to replace each set they get back..
This falls under the time frame we bought them for the 65

well poop
Looks like Summit pulled all the Right Stuff kits for Mopar..
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