Full Version: front window 1967 dodge coronet 440
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I noticed today that the front vertical edge of my driver's side window is out of it's "track" opposite the vent window. I also noticed a small hole in forward edge/top of the glass. It looks like maybe a small horzontal pin goes in there to hold the window in the vertical track as it rolls up and down. Did I lose a pin or something that goes thru sideways thru the glass to hold it in the track? Anyone know how to fix it?


You will need to remove the glass and replace the glass channel pieces - here is what you need. It's a pretty intense job - I'll help walk you thru it if you want to tackle it. - ignore the description in this link (confusing) - the parts you see in the pic are correct.
I will order these and get back with you. Do you have a tele # I could call you. I am assuming I've got to take the door panel off, but a walk thru would be great or a you tube video ( I doubt one exists)?
I dont have a video - I'll PM you.