Full Version: Header Starter Cleareance
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I am using a set of hooker super comps on this 440, typically I use the TTi or the Hedmens. Question is does anyone know if I have to remove the black tab pictured on the starter for clearance with the super comps?

I usually remove the tab and bolt the starter wires directly to the starter housing.

I'd like to keep it the way its pictured..but thought id ask before I climb under to bolt it all up

The starter as you have shown is fine. It is just like mine. I run the super comps on the race car.

I can give you some pointers on those headers to get them to seal.

Make sure that the flanges are cut so that each set of ports is independent. Usually the sealing surface on the headers stinks - I weld them up and then machine them flat. I have jigs made up for my Bridgeport that makes it easy to machine. You might be able to do it manually but if you were to get the headers to Cincy area..........

Always lubricate the slip joint liberally with neverseize if you ever want to get them apart again.

I use Felpro 1414 exhaust gaskets but I open the ports up to match my Indy SR Max Wedge ports. Not sure how big your exhaust ports are.

I really like those headers...........
And you do know that the starter and header need to go in together.............
And one more tip. Use studs where you can. Short studs with brass nuts. You can't use studs on all of the locations - I can look to see which ones I have studs in if you would like me to look. It really helps in installing the headers - the studs on the ends hold the gasket in place and then you slide the header on the studs and it makes it easier to install.
markz Wrote:And you do know that the starter and header need to go in together.............

The header is just hanging on by 2 header bolts, I think I can sneak the starter in .

I was going to put everything in at once but this time I didn't..oops

I do have a nice set of steel gaskets What should I torque them down at?

these are the 2" ones, most likely over kill but to break in the motor it should be fine, I would like to get Richs TTis, but for now think it will be ok to break in get it going
today tech tip: remove the black tab!
Piper Wrote:today tech tip: remove the black tab!

You sure it's not: Install HP manifolds. LOL
Any clearance issues with the steering box and those headers Kev? I know the 1 7/8 Super Comps won't clear with Eddy heads..
they cleared nicely!
now that you asked me that I am having a complex...maybe they wont work with the eddy heads

somethings got to go wrong now
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