Full Version: OMG I suck at fixing cars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!65 console auto shifter problem
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65 Coronet 500, original 727, console shift, have Imperial shifter cable (I think), running stock shifter. I want to stay with the stock set up. I guess I'm old skool. After fixing (almost) the gazillion trans leaks, reinstalled the cable, followed the Ma Mopar service manual, adjusted cable at the trans, lined up the hole, turned the adaptor 4 ( I think) more holes and done. Shifted great for few weeks. Not sure if related but recently ran some wires under passenger side of console, installed fire ext. on side of console and problems began the next day. I have since removed extinguisher, removed wiring, problem persists. At first, wouldn't start in park, only neutral. Then wouldn't go into reverse after I adjusted it to start....great muscle car experience for my buddies who hadn't enjoyed an old car in many years as they loved pushing me out of parking spots. Also, noticed wouldn't manually shift 1 to 2 or 2 to D unless I bumped the shifter just past the intended gear - then back into the gear. Basically could only drive in D. Where's the fun in that ? Anyway, figured it must be the adjustment in console. Manual says there are 2 alignment marks to use when adjusting the shifter - can't see mine anywhere. No prob I figured. Loosed the small lock nut, adjust the big nut and should be done. So................

5 days of carrying my socket and open end wrench, adjusting a thousand times, I'm ready to throw wrenches. Adjust it one way, I got no start in park, adjust another way, it starts, has no reverse. After a few days of trying, gave up, backed adjustment all the way out and started from scratch. Guess what, same problems. I should also say that when it starts, both reverse and neutral are neutral and there is no reverse. I'm assuming the linkage and pivots are just too worn out but not really sure. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated unless you tell me to buy a chevy !
This has the cable shift adapter on the end of the column correct?

I bet something is worn and too sloppy causing irregular movements that adjusting won't fix.
If you do find that your cables are shot, they are being reproduced. Not cheap, but at this point it may be a good investment which will save your sanity. Wink


Ebay auction link:

[Image: 1962-1965B-BodyAutomaticTransmissionShiftCables.jpg]
WS, thanks for responding. I read your posts a lot and hoped you'd have an idea. Not sure of the answer to your question. It's a factory column, has the factory center console and console mounted auto shifter. The adjustment procedure in the manual says to put shifter in reverse, line up the center of the pivot pin with alignment marks (I can't see mine) and tighten it down. I've tried every conceivable position I think but simply can't get it to work consistently. Possibly the linkage is worn out ?
Thanks...I would imagine they are easier to order from than Imperial Services but the price is out of sight...........
Sorry, I was thinking you had a column shift. But the theory still stands, see if you have anything worn.
I'm just gonna throw this out here but have you called any transmission shops? You might find one with somebody real experienced in this problem. I'd offer a better option but I got rid of my last cable shift 727 over 25 years ago. I honestly don't remember the adjustment procedure.