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I think I know answer..but here goes

installed right stuff disc brake conversion on the 65 net

pedal is useless. .if you pump it up fast you will have pedal for about 5 seconds and it will hold the car

I bled, bled again and rebled...can't find any leaks

bad master or bad caplier...where should I put my money?
You're full of air, not you, that would be hot air, at least according to Jenn.

Call me if you want.
Here are how the calipers are hung
They do look like they are hung nicely.
Put vise grips on rear rubber hose and if that changes anything, the issue is with the rear brakes.

Put vise grips on both front rubber hoses and if that changes anything, remove one vise grip at a time. When you remove a vise grip and the problem returns, you found the problem.
67440Dodge Wrote:Put vise grips on rear rubber hose and if that changes anything, the issue is with the rear brakes.

Put vise grips on both front rubber hoses and if that changes anything, remove one vise grip at a time. When you remove a vise grip and the problem returns, you found the problem.

That's very scary Kevin. ^^^^^^^^^^^
In what way?
That is exactly almost word for word what I suggested to Kevin about an hour before.
I feel sorry for you if you can read my mind... Rofl
I'm never going to sleep again!
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