swap calipers right to left , bleeder shouldn't be on the bottom
Mark's 69 Wrote:Could you swap the calipers side to side and still run the line? That would place the bleeders on the top side of the calipers.
ill try that again, the hoses didn't reach when they were swapped, the diagram from right stuff shows the flat part of the block facing the bleeder (not sure that makes sense the way I am describing it) and it simply wouldn't bolt in
here goes..
Can't really use the instructions.. I flipped the spindles so Jenn could run a sway bar in the future if she wanted.
Just spoke to Kevin..he'll be on shortly with the news...
Duke.. it was nice knowing you..

Ok now I understand, you have special circumstances.
Unbolt caliper put a block of wood where pads go, hold caliper with bleeder at top and bleed it that way. Then reinstall.
All sorted out..tried to use the.directions however the hose wasn't sealing the way shown in the picture
any rate turns out it was one of the copper washers was beveled and it wasn't sealing
flipped them and wallah
So there Maloney...nanny nanny boo boo Dukes going to Carlisle :p
but seriously thanks for all the work you did and helped me with. And to Rich for all the calls and Piper for
sticking it out and pressing on...even though he called Duke a POS and cursed me on quite the occasion.I wouldn't not have be able to get all this done with you guys.
Duke runs like a champ now

Can't wait to see Duke. Glad everything worked out.