Full Version: no dash lights, no gas gauge, spooky......
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Sending unit has one wire. And a ground strap.
You can measure the OHMs the sending unit is making at that plug you messed with to test dash gauge. Just measure the down hill blue wire to tank ohms to ground.
If it is open? Either the ground strap rusted off? Or the sending unit is bad or both.
No need to drop the tank.
Yet a near empty tank is necessary.
Need to get it up high or on a lift. With axel hanging in order to wiggle your hands and arms up there.
But? I'd drop the tank if it was me.
thanks will try and check tonight....and keep you posted.
checked under car.. no ground strap. so I installed ground strap from the sending unit "ring" to the frame of the car... and still nothing. not even a flinch. so I pulled the wire off the sending unit, checked from sender post to ground with ohm's meter and nothing...didn't flinch. so either my ground isn't a good ground I put on or the sending unit is bad...
Sending unit is dead.
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