Full Version: no dash lights, no gas gauge, spooky......
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ok so drove my car to work this morning...
and i did the little twisty turn of the headlight knob....and i have two lights that came on over the volts gauge and below it...whatever that was i cant remember it...
but that's the only two... so maybe i do have like 1000 bulbs out behind this thing? or could switch keep half the lights out and half on?
still no lights on the speedo area which is most important for me anyways Smile
Sounds like bad bulbs...
8 bulbs if I remember correctly. Have auto parts store look em up. They are a common bulb.
On the back of the cluster you have twist turn socket that holds the bulb.
Apply a little dielectric grease on them before you put them in, right around the prongs.
They are 194s. Looks like you have a problem with both the switch and the bulbs. Could still be a bad connection at the bulb socket. Get underneath and try to twist the sockets back and forth.
uncledon Wrote:ok so drove my car to work this morning...
and i did the little twisty turn of the headlight knob....and i have two lights that came on over the volts gauge and below it...whatever that was i cant remember it...
but that's the only two... so maybe i do have like 1000 bulbs out behind this thing? or could switch keep half the lights out and half on?
still no lights on the speedo area which is most important for me anyways Smile
I twisted mine back and forth, got lights @ the radio, fuel gage, temp gage, and parking indicator, while low beams on. with high beams on I lost the 2 gage lights but gained a left turn signal lite solid on, and high beam lit up. They changed every time I cycled from high to low beams. I'm betting headlight switch more than anything, or a bad ground or connection?
tgranthamfd Wrote:I twisted mine back and forth, got lights @ the radio, fuel gage, temp gage, and parking indicator, while low beams on. with high beams on I lost the 2 gage lights but gained a left turn signal lite solid on, and high beam lit up. They changed every time I cycled from high to low beams. I'm betting headlight switch more than anything, or a bad ground or connection?
I would for sure get a new switch and maybe a new headlight dimmer switch while you are at it... Definitely check the grounds...
FRATZOG Wrote:I would for sure get a new switch and maybe a new headlight dimmer switch while you are at it... Definitely check the grounds...

I'm looking for one now! Thinking about pulling the instrument panel out. as well! Been looking at the new printed circuts @ Classic Industries, too.
I got one from them for my 67 and all my problems were solved. Get the solid state built in limiter.
It's worth the $150.00
I haven't left you all hanging...just haven't had time to work on it I have been so busy...
im going to good guys show in Nashville, TN this weekend so there gos my weekend haha.
but I believe I need a switch more than anything...some of my other lights have come back on by twisting and turning the switch.
I still need to work on radio and gas gauge though..
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