Full Version: Sludge Removal?
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is there something about Pennsylvania crude that is no good?

I've always wondered about this stuff
Sounds like over the counter flushes at somwhat regular oil change intravals, is the way to go, then?
67440Dodge Wrote:Them too Jeff!! Quaker State I think was the absolute worst...

At my old shop we used to call it "Quick Sludge". It was the worst oil that you could use for everyday driving... it tended to really suck up moisture and froth like dark brown cappuccino foam. I do however like their synthetic oil nowadays.
67r/t4speeder Wrote: Rofl

I wish motors would really do that to people. not so much for the brand of oil they use but for not checking/changing it at all(my sister in law)
That was great, thanks Andy.
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