Full Version: Some Carlisle Pa 2013 pictures.
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Just getting back home tonight from the the trip to Carlilse. It was a good show/swap meet again this year.Just thought i would share a few pictures of the highlight reel. I will try to add more later on.
Sorry Rich for not meeting up with you and putting a name to the face, I sort of get in the zone swapmeeting and forget everything else.
Maybe if you are going to the Nats we can meet up.
A few others
Nice pics ! Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the pics, Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent shots Matt, thank you for sharing!

IS that the Little red wagon?
Nice pictures. Thanks Matt!
Hey Matt, I'm sorry too. The phone works both ways, so it's equally my fault. For me, getting into a swap meet zone is an understatement. Nice pictures. We'll meet p some time.
R/T XTC Wrote:IS that the Little red wagon?
Yes I believe this was the one that was wrecked and left for dead on mavericks property.
Stood on the balcony and watched cars exiting. Quite a varitey.
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