Full Version: Some Carlisle Pa 2013 pictures.
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I like the "survivor tent" cars and the A-990 65 Plymouth!!
I thought they had an excellent survivor tent this year. A wide variety of different cars. The max wedge tribute was smoking as well.
Those tri-y manifolds sure are neat.
Thought I would share this picture with everyone as I think it is neat. I was talking with a guy at Carlilse that had a 3.91 suregrip for sale in a metal box. This note was inside the box with the rear. The guy that had it for sale said that he bought the whole thing meatl box with the 3.91 suregrip at a yard sale and found the note inside when he opened it up. Just thought it was neat piece of history.


Thats awesome .... I WISH gas was 70 cents!
mattsmopars Wrote:Thought I would share this picture with everyone as I think it is neat. I was talking with a guy at Carlilse that had a 3.91 suregrip for sale in a metal box. This note was inside the box with the rear. The guy that had it for sale said that he bought the whole thing meatl box with the 3.91 suregrip at a yard sale and found the note inside when he opened it up. Just thought it was neat piece of history.

Having lived through the 1973-74 "gas crunch" with gas guzzling big block powered cars, I can understand that note very well! Rofl Being a single young man at that time, it really didn't bother me though, as I just worked two jobs to make the extra cash to feed the beasts! Yep, I had my priorities in order! Big Grin

I remember my dad complaining when gas hit 70cts during the first crunch..

Then he bitched royally when it went over a buck in the 80's..
That IS a cool note, Matt!!
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