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had all my harnesses redone by Mr Heaterbox.....they also restored the heater/defroster controls....
I am just about finished with my 69 Coronet....and have a few issues....hoping you can help....
I cannot get my heater controls to work properly....
I checked the power coming to the heater controls unit off of the main harness today, by connecting a lighted testor to the wire, and jumping it to ground....the light did not illuminate....but I heard some clicking coming from under the dash....I thought it was a fuse....but all the fuses in the block behind the glovebox are ok....
I jumped the positive battery cable to the defroster/heater fan, and it it's not a fan issue....
The brake lights do not work either....tail lights work with the headlight switch...but no brake lights....
Lastly, I was wondering if you had any idea regarding a grounding strap that is attached to the right lug of the steering wheel mount....where does that attach to?
Everything is hooked up, except the connector to the steering wheel, since the wheel is not in yet.....]
thanks for the help....
Sounds like u have 3 issues.
The heater controls? Key on engine off? Any power?
Call mr heater box..

Break lights. Check foot pedal switch. Check stop fuse. Check lamps and sockets.

Grounding strap on steering mount? Mom mopar wanted it grounded?

thanks for reply....

I checked the lamps and sockets....the foot pedal switch seems to be operating fine mechanically....I will check it with my test light....

the grounding strap just makes a loop? is that what you are saying?


If I remember correctly it goes from one of the bolts holding the bracket to the column to the mounting stud for the column. After the column is installed you slip the eyelet over the stud and secure it with a second nut on the stud. I'll try to get a pic.
Added photo: Best I could get without removing cover.
A extra ground never hurts. I would have to look at a schematic to be 100% if its needed or not.