Full Version: New member from Norway (American born though)
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FRATZOG Wrote:Hi Erik! Welcome to the forum! Great looking car you have. We love pictures; so as you restore it, be sure to post lots and lots of pictures. If you need anything at all, just start a new thread and ask. Plenty of members will answer.

BTW... Richard will be pleased that the first item you purchased was a manual.

Welcome Erik and I am pleased! Not only have you found an exceptionally nice 69 Coronet 500, but having your first purchse for the car being a factory service manual sends you to the head of the class! You have now avoided a visit from the one person here on the DCR that everybody who hasn't purchased a service manual for their car fears, Helga, the factory service manual purchasing "enforcer"! Rofl


Helga on a GOOD day!

[Image: a-women-bodybuilder-trainwreck-16.jpg]
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