Full Version: 67 R/T
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Neat color, wrong air cleaner, aftermarket radiator, wrong washer reservoir...LOL...sorry, no one asked LOL

Can't see the dang dimmer switch grommet either (beat you to it Andy and Jeff) THBTBTBTBTBT!
Hot looking R/T
Honestly described sounds like
I noticed he states 1976 Aspen disc brakes conversion, I have seen A- body disc brake conversions will the Aspen parts work as well?
Thanks Jim
They will work fine. About an inch or so smaller than Diplomats brakes but it shouldn't make a difference.
Thanks thats great information to know I would like to put front disc brakes on my R/T
skeehorse Wrote:Thanks thats great information to know I would like to put front disc brakes on my R/T
If you have the choice, try going with Diplomat brakes, but you may not be able to fit 14 inch wheels on, so keep that in mind too.