Full Version: 69 Coronet Brake System
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Hey all....

have a 4 wheel power drum brake system....

I have all new stainless brake lines and wheel cylinders....

the proportioning valve and master cylinder are original to the car when I purchased it...

I hooked everything up, and bled the front brakes....then I moved to the rear....everything was fine until the rear of the master cylinder began leaking and fluid ran down between the master cylinder and brake booster....

I purchased a new master cylinder, and installed it....

today I filled it up and began to bleed the brakes....I bled the front and it appeared to go fine....

I tried to do the rear brakes and there is no fluid coming out of either side....
I disconnected the ss line from the rear flexible fluid in there either(other than a few drops).

I moved to the proportioning valve, and loosened the line that goes into the top of it from the master cylinder....a hiss and some fluid....

I tried the front brake line fluid to come out....
I tried the rear brake line ports, and nothing....not a drop

any ideas? I am thinking it's either a bad master cylinder, or there is a blockage in the forward line that sends fluid to the rear brakes....


You most likely have to bleed the master by itself. Or, it you have a hand vacuum pump, you try that at the back. Sounds like you just have some air.
Hey all
removed master cylinder and adjusted rod that comes
out of booster about 1/8 of an inch
the brakes wirk great now.... The brake pedal action is correct now too
Just make sure the brakes are not dragging now, too tight. Glad you figured it out.