Full Version: 318 2bbl throttle linkage
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Hey all,

am trying to rebuild my throttle linkage and am missing the stud and cotterpin that links the carb/gas pedal cable/kickdown linkage...

does anyone have a pix of a stock setup for me to look at.....I think that's all I am missing....


1780 Will this help. I can take more Just let me know

thanks for the pix....

I have all that you show....except the stud that connects the throttle cable(gas pedal) and the kickdown linkage to the butterfly in the carb....

if you have any other pix....would love to see them...


Ill take some later today
Here are more17811782178317841785hope they help
Do these help?
The photos of the clean (sorry mark) carb are missing the stud you are looking for. Marks photos show it. That stud came on almost all carbs. t unscrews with two wrenches. You shouldn't have any trouble finding one.

thanks so much....

I ordered a stud with cotter pins and stuff off of ebay.....these pix will help a lot...
now on to finding the springs.....I think I lost those too!

thanks again for the time and effort...

If I lived near you I'd help you out