Full Version: 66 Front Window Question
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I am slowly going through what the body shop did when they put my car back together and I am finding a few (expected) unexpected issues. One issue is that both driver and passenger windows were removed, and when put back into place they forgot to put the "runners" in the windows.

I am not really sure what these are referred to as ( i call them runners), or what the part number is - nor do i remember what they look like - but both sides have a part that hooks into the front of the window and keeps it in its track.

Does anyone know what the part is called - or where they are sold? the body shop guys had a blank face when I asked about them.

[Image: window_zpsd9bf018f.jpg]
They are door glass guides Chrysler pt # 2932230 Check out this thread, they are very important.

I was told a couple of years ago that Mopar was going to stop making them. Not sure, but if you have no luck call Tom Race at RT specialties he'll either have them or tell you where to go.
Thanks so much!