Also, while were at it, my wateroump was leaking on the bottom side so I pulled it off and used a good amount of sealer when I put it back on, let it sit a couple days to dry and added water again. Its barely wet on the bottom side if the housing now, is this just because I missed a spot when I put the sealer on or is there a trick to getting them to seal right?
No the shaft seal is probable leaking out the weap hole. Look carefully at the bottom and you will see a hole, I bet it's coming from that.
From the pictures, it looks like you have the wrong crankshaft pulley. Look at the picture I posted, you'll notice the belt for the PS runs on the outer groove, and the alternator/water pump runs on the inner groove.
And if it's coming from that, what is the resolution? Sealant or do I have a more major issue? Thanks guys!
This is a possibility... The crankshaft pulley that was on it is a 4 groove and is monstrous (like 7.25 inches). It hit the water pump pulley so I changed it out for this one. From what I read on old one, it was used on cars that had big alternators, ac, power steering, and since this came out of a late 70's cop car, I'm sure they were running a big alternator.
Zaq Wrote:And if it's coming from that, what is the resolution? Sealant or do I have a more major issue? Thanks guys!
replace the pump... once the seal starts leaking by, it's done for.
That's a bummer if that's where it's coming from, I bought it new and it hasn't run a single time. I will have to take a look this weekend.
In regards to the PS pump, you may have to play around with pulleys to find one that works.
As for the water pump, pull the pulley off, and feel underneath for the weep hole. if it's wet, you got a bad pump. If it's dry, then the leak is probably from the pump gasket.
(Just me.. since it's this far apart, I'd swap the pump out. Much easier to do it now that you have 95% of the stuff already removed).