Full Version: 67 R/T ...... A few Pics of the car
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Just thought I would post up a few pics as requested. I will post up the vin etc as soon as I can and maybe someone will know some history??

[Image: IMAG0180_zpsbf47946d.jpg]

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O man !! thats pretty
That's a nice looking RT you have there.
No Rich... you can't have it..
Dang, too far away too.
very that blue
Nice looking R/T ! My buddy has the same model of rims on his ´75 Duster and they are really lightweights .
WOW that is one extremely good looking R/T indeed! Cool Can't wait to hear more about it! Any engine compartment pictures?

Thanks indeed Richard,

I will try and get a couple of the engine bay up soon. Nothing special however
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