Really more making them serviceable, This is from the 68, they simply wouldn't budge, I tried everything and the only trick that worked was drilling a 3/16 at the base of the pivots and using oddly enough a graphite lock lubricant on it. Got them spinning nicely (the take away here is if you every have to free one of them up the hole is a way to get the rust out of the base)
here is what they looked like..nothing earth shattering I was just itching to do car stuff
and here they are all greased painted and ready for service

- they sure turned out nice! Musta been a helluva time gittin those bushings on that pivot ...hmmm

Nice job Kevin, but your title says something else.drunk Too much? LOL
I had to think...did I write that or did Mike change it
turns out I wrote it
Piper Wrote:and here they are all greased painted and ready for service
What a difference, from crusty to shiny. Nice going.
I whiz wheeled them down to metal and used this cast paint I found at pep boys...I am liking the finish
Yeah that is a good finish, I also like the Dupli-color caliper paint. Sounds funny but it is 500 temp and sprays on real nice for drums and stuff and not too shiney about like the cast paint.
Outstanding job on those wiper arms! It's the small details that turn a normal resto car into a greatly restored car!