The engine temp sending unit on my 67 dosnt have a wire going to it . Where about is the wire located at ? What bunch of wires is it in with ? Thanks . BooBoo
Usually wrapped with wires going along right side to alternator
I'll add that it will be a single one separate from the alternator, it has/had cloth loom, and a 90 degree boot to plug into the sensor. If you need the color, let us know.
The color is Violet. Should be hanging around with the green field wire to the alt..
Ok , we're getting close . There is a violet wire cut and a brown wire cut near the alt . There is also a violet with a white stripe that has a 90* boot on it coming from the rely on the fire wall under the big plug with all the wires coming from it on the drivers side . It is wraped around other wires to keep it out of the way . Why would that be unplugged ? Thanks . BooBoo
the one on the drivers side could go to the proportioning valve for the in dash brake light(when your master cyl. goes empty or bad)?
I agree the purple one is for the tenp and the one one the other side is for the M/C since there is no wire on it . Also the brown one i talked about must be for the washer jug since it is completly missing . Thanks everyone for your help .