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Where can I buy front bench seats for my net? What models and year can I look for that would work with my 67? I know a few of yall mentioned if I lived closer you had one I could have. How much would it cost to ship it to me?

Thanks in advance for all your help.
There has got to be something close to you. I don't know your area, but there are junk yards in Texas that specialize in rust free metal. Also look on FBBO, they have a for sale section and a parts wanted section.
Fbbo? You think I would have any luck checking the local junk yards? What other makes and models will work with my 67?
Can I look for other models or years for the seat or do I have to find one strictly out of a 67?
67 will match your interior if you find the right model. Most likely, you will have a hard time finding a perfect seat in the junk yard. I think any seat from a 66 to 70 will actually fit. They share the same floor pan. But the new ones will look funny in your car.

What is wrong with your seat, is it not repairable?
Oh, its probably repairable, but would have to be totally rebuilt. Its just going to be way cheaper for me to find a good one to have reapholstered. Plus if I get a used one now I have something semi comfortable to sit on. Its pretty hard on the back and rear end in its current state.