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I finally got the time to cut the line today... How do i remove this spring thing so i can.. On the front it slides back.. In the back (this picture) its bent and wont move.. How do you guys get around this?

[Image: E46239C0-4EA5-473B-A956-CEA0F0866525-400...a6bb2e.jpg]
Get a pair of wire cutters and cut a couple coils off. Or if you soak it a foot back or so with penatrating fluid you can work it back far enough to get flair wrench on.
That line looks pretty old maybe just cut it off and replace the whole thing.
That line looks to be original. The spring or coil windings is sort of armor for the line. It also prevents kinks when bending it.
Anyway ... I would not mess with it. Cut it off and buy new line. Safety is at stake here. You might be able to buy factory correct line thru mail order. I'd just hit the auto parts store for OTC line
Try not to destroy the old line because it will serve as a template to measure and bend your new line..
I didnt Smile it did break when i took it out! Good think i was replacing it and im glad the fitting wouldnt come out.. Now to get a new line to route dual master Smile the one problem im now having is getting that fitting out.. But i pb blaster soaked it.. I will try again later. If worse comes to worse whats the best way to get the fitting out
that size fitting is the common size that comes on OTC lines that you bend yourself or you can buy a new one at any auto parts/hardware store. its the ones that fit into the master cyl. and some on the prop. valve that are the odd ones.
Is that a metal line to a rubber line? A little heat from a propain torch? But be super carful ! Or replace the rubber line with a new one. Done!
Don't loose the clip that holds the rubber line to the bracket. They are as easy to find as frog fur.

i found these ones..they look the same..mines rusted on pretty good... i soaked it with pb..ill try again tomorrow Smile