Full Version: Looking for any part(s) ... Anyone
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Olive Oyl Wrote:Trunk pan for 50 coupe and license plate light for rear plate same year!
'66 or '67 Dodge/Plymouth B-Body convertible rear door panels (large plastic)
theman440 Wrote:'66 or '67 Dodge/Plymouth B-Body convertible rear door panels (large plastic)


You haven't woken up yet have you Jeff?
Need a left tail light, for a 72 Wagon, 71-73 will fit.....not concerned about factory look, just want to be able to drive the car.
I need a 66 Coronet "500" plastic emblem. I cant seem to restore the one I've got to original standards...
stamm321 Wrote:I need a 66 Coronet "500" plastic emblem. I cant seem to restore the one I've got to original standards...
I need knobs that go on the heater levers on the dash . Little chrome knobs on a 67 Coronet . Thanks . BooBoo
theman440 Wrote:'66 or '67 Dodge/Plymouth B-Body convertible rear door panels (large plastic)
I am looking for some leaf springs 2539795, 2539965. for 1969 B body HD suspention.
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