There are some days I miss living in Cali..
Cool Duster ! Mad Max style.
I don't know if I should like it or hate it...
Just think that if the frame was rotted already and they welded a truck chassis to it at the very least it would be solid again, hopefully? Good thing they didn't do it to a Coronet of any year!! Trying to look on the positive side.
Very cool, I like it too... although, if memory serves me correctly, the Dusters I had sucked for rear visibility at the best of times... jacked up like this, it would be impossible to see anything out the back.... Whatever, GIVE R SOME I say and run over what you can't see Beavis.
It would fit in nicely in this town with the dunes, we get some creative vehicles come through town allot.
I would like to see it come out here and spank the local Nova with similar set-up.
I'll take that Charger off his hands before he performs an abortion on that
Too late I think I saw it turned into a limo with the top chopped off and a waterbed in the back painted pink
gotta move quick on these deals man