Full Version: Website to show what your car looks like painted?
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Does anyone know of a website that will show you what your car would look like in a certain color? Looking to use it to help me decide what color I want to go with on paint.


i dont know of any but that would be cool. Mines an EE1 and its staying that color. Whats your original color? I assume you dont want it?
The best thing to do is start googling your car and find pics of other cars already painted.
Or just stop by Rich's garage... guaranteed he's got one of every color for you to see..
67440Dodge Wrote:Or just stop by Rich's garage... guaranteed he's got one of every color for you to see..
Rich was going to say that but we know how shy he is.
I think I want to go with the original color but would like to see it to know. I know mine was some kind of metallic blue. Also thinking about a champagne color.
67440Dodge Wrote:Or just stop by Rich's garage... guaranteed he's got one of every color for you to see..

Try this...
theman440 Wrote:Try this...


We're used to it, Jeff does it all time.
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