Full Version: 1972 Coronet Starting Issues
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Hey. I am new to Mopars and looking for help with this car. I have a 1972 Coronet Custom with a 318 auto. The car has been converted to push button start. When I turn on the power and push the button all I get is a click and all power shuts down. The headlights and interior lights shut off and will not return until I remove the battery and reinstall it. The car was working perfectfully until about a month after I got it. I have replaced the battery, starter, and solenoid. I hope I can get some clues to this problem.

On you're driver side inner wheel well theres a little box with 3 or 4 wires on it, the box is the starter relay. My 72 did the same thing when I first got it. When you run juice through it, it close's so it makes contact, the problem is that the contacts are staying closed in the relay.
Are you talking about the fuse-able link on the wheel well, or is there a relay like on modern cars? I was under the impression that once the fuse-able link was tripped, it would not reset.
Could be, try this on for size, napa part# CS851. See if that's the one.
I just ran the part #. It came back a set of points
Try your battery cable ends for looseness or corosion. Could be a simple as that Smile
The cables are tight and the ends are new.
You are correct, once a fusible link blows, it's done for.

It's possible where the fusible link goes into the fuse box could be loose or corroded. Also, I'd check under the dash for the ammeter gauge and wiring.

How customized is the wiring on this car?
How does your bulkhead connector look? Sometimes the main power lead going in gets coroded. I just looked at my 72 and there is a white connector in the main power for the harness up next to the starter relay. I would check that too for corosion. Here are some pics of that connector next to the pencil and of the bulkhead connector. I would unplug and check them both just to be sure. Hope this helps.
Bulkhead connectors get real nasty with time, mine were GREEN when I got the car, pulled all of them and cleaned the junk off!