Full Version: Yet another new member with a questions about buying this car....
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If you're looking for a project your wife/significant other/mom/whoever you live with should be either 1) On board with the project 2) very very understanding. My wife doesn't get it at all and since it's not like we can just go hop in it and head on down to the grocery store, she sees it as a waste of money. At the same time, she is #2 and just recognizes that it's something I wanted to do and pretends she doesn't see box after box of car parts on our porch. Smile

Good luck with the project and come back here to post pictures of potential cars, we love to look!
kuhnsmith Wrote:Nope, I wasn't the guy. I ran into a little interference from a person in my life who's not a big fan of...well, enough said.

The good news is that there are other Coronets out there and I'm not going to give up!

That's the spirit keep looking, I like your attitude
Hi Gary ! Welcome to the site.
They say, "if it was meant to be it would have happened"!!
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