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Picked the wagon up last weekend. 1500km round trip in a day. 
It’s running a warm 440 with a 727 TF and a 489 rear end.
Wow.. looks really solid... unusual for a wagon..

Do you have to convert it to RH drive or is it exempt due to age?
Thats sweet
Welcome aboard
Can own and drive a left hand drive car in Queensland if it is 25 years or older.
Many Mopars around there?
Yeah there is more Australian than American
I know Ram trucks are pretty popular there, but from what people have said, their service and support sucks.

I redid the front end on a guy who moved here from NZ, whole reason he bought a white Challenger was cause of Vanishing Point.. year is wrong, but still a cool looking car. (nowhere near the motor thou)

Now I got an itch to watch Fury Road or the original Mad Max for some reason..
Welcome, I love station
Nice car! Love the color, wheels and hood scoop