Hello, I'm a returning member from Fairfax, Virginia. Lance Husted introduced me to this site. I used to have a 1969 Dodge Superbee. I was forced to sell my Superbee, and so I left the hobby for a while but I'm back trying to get going again. Thanks all.
Feels like you never left!...actaully feels like I just saw you somewhere

(07-27-24, 04:41 PM)juanĀ a. Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I'm a returning member from Fairfax, Virginia. Lance Husted introduced me to this site. I used to have a 1969 Dodge Superbee. I was forced to sell my Superbee, and so I left the hobby for a while but I'm back trying to get going again. Thanks all.
I seen this miscreant somewhere before...