Full Version: VIN number problems
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I live in Nevada. Recently purchased a 1949 Coronet in California. Went to DMV to register and title. Had to have a VIN inspection because of out of state car. It was discovered that the VIN # on CA title is the number that is stamped on the block of the engine. Of course the car has a VIN # on the door pillar. They told me I have to get CA DMV to correct the title. What a headache! Has anyone else ever had this issue?
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Don't think you yourself can do it because you don't have a California license or residence, the person or dealer you bought from would have to get Califonia to issue a corrected title. If they are unwilling to do it, you may need to contact someone that can help, it will cost you but these companies specialize in this (ie cars sold from states that did not have titles when it was built or only required a hand written bill of sale).

This link may help you out.. its old but got some info on what's happened to others. It seems to be common issue with engine swapped cars and kit cars in Nevada. I wonder what happens in Nevada if a car doesn't have a VIN on the engine as many older motors did not come with them.

it's happened to someone here 10yrs ago but he hasn't posted since 2014
I had that happened once, only I sold the car with a typo in the title. It had a 5 instead of an S, the buyer returned the title, I fixed it, and sent it back to the buyer. The folks you got it from have to fix it, which they may not be willing to do; sorry.