Full Version: 1967 power steering pump rebuild kit.
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Max has a minor leak in the pump by the pulley so I figure best to hunt down a kit now.
I use to do these all the time and get good kits easily and imagine not anymore. 
   Any recommendations of a good source?
  O yeah and by the way is supposed to be painted all black or? I did a total show car( used car lot) rattle can silver because probably the last functional paint left.
Mike saw it and he was being nice by not mentioning it.
Saginaw, Federated or TRW?
(07-16-24, 08:50 PM)67r/t4speeder Wrote: [ -> ]Max has a minor leak in the pump by the pulley so I figure best to hunt down a kit now.
I use to do these all the time and get good kits easily and imagine not anymore. 
   Any recommendations of a good source?
  O yeah and by the way is supposed to be painted all black or? I did a total show car( used car lot) rattle can silver because probably the last functional paint left.
Mike saw it and he was being nice by not mentioning it.

Saginaw, Federated small shaft or large shaft or TRW? It may have been swapped over the years. I got mine from Edelmann, which is now Plews-Edelmann..

Saginaw looks like what you'd find on a GM, cap is plastic.  Big block have large pulley with openings in it, small blocks are smaller and solid


Federated has smaller solid pulley and large metal screw on fill cap and large return line


TRW has small pulley and metal cap with large return line (you'll need to know bore size as they came in 2 different sizes)


Yes, brackets and pump are all satin black.
Looks like Federated.. doesn't look like it has the large notch in back like a TRW... Napa carries em...
Thanks Mike, I owe you a chicken fried steak dinner.
If you need just the shaft seal, the part number is 8710, if Napa don't carry it, Auto Zone and Advance do.
The shaft is where the leak is but I might as well take it apart completely.
Isn't it a Federal, not Federated?
Yup.. you're right... for some reason I always think of it as Federated
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