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I have been absent from this forum for quite a long time. I got an email about the changes to the site and that is what has caused my return. I have no idea where I was at in the restoration of my car when I dropped off of the site. I am including some pictures to show where my car stands today.
Welcome back Mike.. car looks great!

You were doing your dash and power windows last time we saw you.
Love that color, welcome back!!
Welcome back
i'm in love!
(10-08-23, 11:27 AM)67r/t4speeder Wrote: [ -> ]Love that color, welcome back!!
The car came from the factory triple black. I wanted to paint it another color, but one that was available on a coronet in 1968. I am not positive, but I think it might be the same color as all of the Chrysler turbine cars were painted. Dodge called the color bronze metallic, but Plymouth called it turbine bronze.
I thought it looked familiar to my 67 Dart color which is turbine bronze.
I love it.
Nice car you have.