Full Version: On the road sightings
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I am in the middle of a trip to visit family.
I absolutely love looking at all the old towns in the desert.
Ridgecrest California, a line of AMCs mostly AMXs and a sweet wagon.
In Bishop I saw a 67 Coronet 500 on a trailer going the other way. (I about went in the ditch)
East of Bishop in tiny little town there is a private yard with only 66 67 B.bodies Inoticed the roof lines from a distance . Stopping there on my way back to check it out.( didn't bring a bullet proof vest so wish me luck)
Cars are not rare in the desert still, imagine down all the back roads, but you will get shot at there I imagine. I would protect my stash also.
Best part was the visit .[attachment=8218]
Welp... I can tell your Mom's good looks didn't pass on down to you!
Nothing but the best from Mike as usual.
We aim to please...

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