Full Version: Looking for A833 18 spline 4 speed for my 67 Coronet
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I am thinking about converting my 727 to the A833 4speed. Does anyone have an A833 that needs to be re-built, or already done that they are willing to sell? I live in Williamstown, NJ.
Naw.. don't know of any...
Thanks for trying to help!!!!!
I know of a SB 727/904 can get for free probably thou!
Andy don't be worried about an 18 spline ..a 23 will do the job and hold up (thats what is in my 67 and it takes a beating) also just put a 23 spline in my 68 Charger
Piper Wrote:Andy don't be worried about an 18 spline ..a 23 will do the job and hold up (thats what is in my 67 and it takes a beating) also just put a 23 spline in my 68 Charger

I second that!

I will also add that I beat on the 833OD that behind the 408” in my desoto and it holds up fine
Unless it's Max... that wimpy engine spreads synchro's all over the highway.. scared the POS outta me

But seriously.. the only time you need a 18 spline is like the only time you need a Dana... when it grenades.
I think I will add a ejection seat to Max before your next visit.

Mike riding in Max quote : "O this is so much riding in Max"
Mike behind computer: " Max... that wimpy engine"

Cigarette lighter is working again Mike go ahead check it out PAL!!!
I have a few freshened up units if still in need in Connecticut
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