Full Version: Rear Wheel/Tire Size Advice
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Hi all

Looking for some advice on wheel sizes before I buy the AR Outlaw 1 wheels I want

So my car in the pic below on the rear has

15 x 8
3.75” Backspace
295/50/15 tires

The wheels I want I can either go for exactly the same as what’s on there , eg 15 x 8 with 3.75” BS and use my current tires

Or I’m tempted to go 15 x 10 which has a 4” BS, again using my current tires

I’m a bit confused though , so if you look at my tires they are really bulgy I guess because they are on 15 x 8’s , so if I fit 15 x 10’s I know it will make the tire less bulging but will it push the wheel out towards the arch more ? Or will it look similar to how it is now ? Eg the same distance between the edge of the tire and the arch as it is now ?

Currently there’s about 1.5” bulge on that tire, i seem to have plenty of room still

Ideally I want 15 x 10 but I don’t want to push it too far towards the arch lip

What would you do ? Stick with 15 x 8’s or go with the 15 x 10 ?

Alternatively I can go 275/60/15’s if need be

Please see pics below

Many thanks

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Welcome to the site from England! Which part are you from? I spend lot of time in Shirebrook area. Beautiful car, close to the same color as the Corsa I rented one time. Boy do they get pissy when you hit a pothole and scrape the tire.

I just got into this argument with the tire store last week when they screwed up my tire mounting. Going to a 10" wide rim will kick the tire out to about the bottom of the wheel well arch, the 1/4" extra backspacing won't help that much. Yes, it will reduce the "bulge", but the tire width will still be the same sidewall-sidewall (section width). Now if you are planning on changing rims and can find a set you like with say a 5" backspace, then you should be able to run the 295's without a problem. But if keeping that style rim, I'd go with the 275/60 tires myself. Just remember, you're speedo will read slower with the taller tire of the 275.

Here's the specs on the Cooper tires.