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Hello - I wanted to see if anyone can steer me in the direction to buy period correct tires for my 66 Coronet? I am painting the wheels red to match the car, adding Dog Dish and I want suggestions for period correct tires. I understand that all Hemi's came with Firestone Blue Line Ovals in 66. I like the Classic Industries Goodyear small white letter tires actually.

Did Coronet's come with Blackwall or whitewalls? Mfr?
I want to say mine came with skinny whitewalls stock.

airdefenz Wrote:Hello - I wanted to see if anyone can steer me in the direction to buy period correct tires for my 66 Coronet? I am painting the wheels red to match the car, adding Dog Dish and I want suggestions for period correct tires. I understand that all Hemi's came with Firestone Blue Line Ovals in 66. I like the Classic Industries Goodyear small white letter tires actually.

Did Coronet's come with Blackwall or whitewalls? Mfr?