Full Version: 1966 Dodge W100 Power Wagon Town Wagon
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I saw this cool looking 1966 Dodge W100 Power Wagon Town Wagon on the bring a trailer website. Located in California. Just a couple of days until the auction ends and the current bid is $17,250.00 so don't waste any time if your interested!



[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_1-27-70795.jpg?fit=940%2C627]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_11-22-70837.jpg?w...=620%2C414]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_5-15-70868.jpg?w=...=620%2C413]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_8-11-70917.jpg?w=...=620%2C414]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_21-9-71329.jpg?w=...=620%2C414]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_img_5223-6-71038....=620%2C414]

[Image: 1966_dodge_power-wagon_img_2951-7-71149....=620%2C414]
Wow that’s nice!
Up to $20k which is still very reasonable in my mind. Somebody is going to have LOTS of fun with that truck! Big Grin

Looks as if it sold for $40K and the winning bidder said that "this is going to Lassen County in N.Cal. Will be our Farmers Market-mobile." Sure hope they take it off roading as well so it can do what it was made to do! A very cool truck indeed!


[Image: 6-12-scaled.jpg?fit=2048%2C1536]