Full Version: What I did to my Coronet this week
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67r/t4speeder Wrote:Mike should stay inside the neighbors are complaining again.
Man spotted wearing only underwear jacking on a hoist singing out loud before sunrise.

So Andy, I believe that what the neighbors are complaining about with all of that is the lack of underwear.......:eek:

He's just going to blame it on the washing machine is on the fritz again.
He unplugged it.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:He's just going to blame it on the washing machine is on the fritz again.
He unplugged it.


You know though Andy, he doesn't even look for excuses anymore!

They even made a song of my adventures of getting firewood at 2am and being caught by neighbors..
And another song for ya Mike.......getting older ain't what people promise you!

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