Full Version: 1967 Coronet Headlight surround fastners
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Looking for help to identify the fasteners for the large surrounds. Please see pictures.122361223712238122391224012241Any help appriciated regards and happy 4th
Rt specialties?
I don't think anyone makes correct ones. You have to be careful because the aluminum gets weak in the fastener area over time due to galvanic corrosion. I made a few sets that were oversized - they worked real well. I will see if I can find some pics.

When I get more time I will make more. I have the jigs made.
If you are going to Carlisle there is a guy in first row, right hand side about 4-5 down from the entrance closest to the fields. He usually has them, but be warned, they are not cheap...
So this is what they look like. The rusty one is an original but is missing the stud. The black one with the stud is the one I made. They are all different. You can make them if you are crafty. The brackets are riveted to the aluminum surrounds.

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