Full Version: R/T Looking good in bronze
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Pages: 1 2
A really nice looking R/T
Wonder what the story is on the front fender emblems, doesn't look right.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Wonder what the story is on the front fender emblems, doesn't look right.

That car has been for sale for a long time. He has been advertising it on craigs list for a while.

Andy, I'm not familiar with those new fangled cars, but I don't think there is suppose to be two lines of letters on the front fenders. I noticed there are no detailed pics of said emblems too.
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Wonder what the story is on the front fender emblems, doesn't look right.
I saw that before and I wondered about that too! Originally a 500??
I mainly like the color
I'm partial to this color sceme myself..
67440Dodge Wrote:I'm partial to this color sceme myself..

I't close to you too!
The last bid wasn't even 50% of his reserve..
67440Dodge Wrote:I'm partial to this color sceme myself..

Yes, another sweet combo for sure,
Pages: 1 2