I was hoping somebody here could help me identify a good stock look electronic ignition, or a good option for a replacement disributor for a 1972 440rb. Came out of a Charger and going into a 66 coronet. I've seen a thread about the pertronix iii + flamethrower iii coils, but I'm not sure what these look like, and if they're worth the cost.
Summit sells electronic ignition conversion kits. They come with everything you need. It wires directly into the wiring on your car. I’ve converted quite a few cars it’s pretty easy. I don’t have any experience with the petronix distributors but I’ve never heard anything bad about them
I have the Pertronix kit in my 67 Coronet street car and do recommend it. Basically gut the distributor, install the conversion kit and you now have 2 wires out of the distributor and that's all you got. They make kits for electronic and point versions - need to get the correct kit. You also want to use an epoxy filled coil like these:
I see that Pertronix offers more than one coil. I don't know what the differences are. If you go with the Pertronix ignition, you may consider using the Pertronix coil and make sure the 2 are compatible.
Differences between the Pertronix coils is one has internal ballast resistor, and one does not. I've used both Pertronix and the Mopar one (which is what Summit is based on). Both gave me zero problems. The one advantage the Summit kit may have is if the distributor is based on the Mallory design, is you get a fully adjustable mechanical advance. Bad news is MSD bought Malllory out and wasn't allowing that distro to be repopped. But that was years ago and they may be doing it now.