Hello there, first time on this site and hoping to get info so that ONE OR TWO OF MY CORONETS gets restored correctly. first one i bought about a two years and is a 1966 500, that next three just fell in to my lap about two mouths ago and need to be restored. the first on is a numbers matching 1967 R/T, and the other two are just 440.pic of my 66 500 and then my 67 R/T
Welcome! Iâm the previous new guy. It seems thereâs not much activity on this site anymore. It looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck
Welcome to the site! Lots of knowledgeable people here with no bickering or name calling. It’s actually good to not have so many people here I believe
The other sites have their place for folks to stroke their ego's or make money off the advertising. This place is good to come in and ask questions, or answer some and get honest answers without bickering.
This place used to be rocking, but some folks sold their cars and moved on, or went to Facebook or just lost interest. We can't give all the bells and whistles like the other sites have (yes, we know picture posting is a mess, but simply can't afford the fix) but we can boast the friendliest folks around..
Welcome to the DC rlevs!
It's fantastic to see another 1966 and 1967 Coronet owner join us here!

I hope that you will look around the site and will find a lot of information that is available for your 66 and 67 Coronets!
Regarding the post above questing activity here on the DC website. I hope you won't mind a few thoughts on that by a long time member.
I have been a member on most all of the well known Mopart websites over many years and have been a moderator and a behind the scenes helper on several of them, but the only Mopar community that I belong to these days is this one where I have made and met several lifelong friends! This website is also owned and run by two gentlemen who are SERIOUS Coronet enthusiasts and who also CARE about keeping this a very friendly place to join and visit. They have also not sold this websites soul to advertisers to make money either and that's why a much older website format is still in place which is not friendly to posting picturers with a smart phone.
Is the DC website the most up to date Mopar website on the planet and does it have the same amount of activity it once had years ago? No, but while this is a much smaller group we do still have a solid core group of members who absolutely love all Coronets and the Mopar hobby in general and they will also help anyone who asks a question whenever they can. I would MUCH rather have help from a few friends that I trust than a lot of replies from self proclaimed "experts" who don't know or really care about me or my vehicles.
None of us knows everything about everything, so we must rely on our friends for information that we can trust and that is what happens here. Many of us "old timers" who have been here through the good and bad times could tell stories regarding how their friends here have helped them on countless occasions, not only here on the website, but who have also traveled many miles to help in person. If anyone can find that degree of friendship and commitment on another Mopar website, then good for you. I'll just wish you good luck on that.