Full Version: 1966 Coronet Hood Trim
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I found this Ebay auction posted below by a seller I've done business with over the years called Vans Auto LLC and it looks as if they have the front leading edge of the hood trim for all 1966 Coronets (only 1966 models, will not fit on 1967 models) back in stock, so if you own any body style of a 1966 Coronet this trim piece will work for you.


Ebay auction link:

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]
Well that is great news, thanks Richard
That is good news for 66 owners. I was not impressed with the 67 moldings Metro had made - they were extruded instead of bent metal Ugly!

I wonder if you can make the 67 moldings on a bead roller with a custom roller? Some of those bead roller guys are amazing. I'm just learning. The 67 are more straight forward than the 66.