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You might remember my previous thread on my new motor for my 67 Coronet drag car that I have owned since 1981.

The new motor is a B1MC headed mega block motor. Dyno date is June 17. Can't wait............

What is your prediction?
theman440 Wrote:What is your prediction?

Minimum 1050 hp would like to see 1080 hp. Hope I won't be disappointed............
Sounds like fun!!
markz Wrote:Minimum 1050 hp would like to see 1080 hp. Hope I won't be disappointed............
Results are in. Met my minimum expectation but not my stretch goal.

1058 hp @ 7200 and 838 torque @ 6200 rpm
markz Wrote:Results are in. Met my minimum expectation but not my stretch goal.

1058 hp @ 7200 and 838 torque @ 6200 rpm

Damn! what's it going in?
theman440 Wrote:Damn! what's it going in?

My 67 Coronet that I have owned since 1981.........
low 9's ?
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