Full Version: 69 convertible 500 rocker panel question
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I was hoping to get some advice for rocker panels for convertibles.
I am looking at getting inner and outer rocker panels (drivers side / LHS) for my 1969 coronet 500 convertible.
Some web sites suggest that panels are for Non-Convertibles.
I spoke with Stephens Performance and they suggested that the inner rocker panel for convertibles may have an additional bar welded on to help stiffen it. They also said the outer rocker should be identical as to what Auto Metal Direct sells.The panels for sale at AMD are linked below:

Or, maybe someone knows of another option to buy these rockers. Fabricating them from scratch is fairly expensive.
I know picture are King here, so I found one to share.
I have had great advice and help from the forum in the past - may pictures of my 69 vert are uploaded here already.
Thank you
Great looking car, I didn't know of any difference between htp or vert.
Thanks 67r/t4speeder for the compliment on the car and the information. I thought maybe the vert had a slightly different shape to the insider rocker.
If anyone else has had experience with convertible inside rockers, it would be great to hear.
CTG, not sure if the attached pictures help identify any differences as I don't have a hardtop car. My car is currently being restored and I could potentially grab some more pics if they would be of any help.

Thanks lanceh13,
Pics are good and help for sure.
Did you need to purchase new rockers? and if so who did you buy them from.
No problem at all...and no mine were in pretty good shape.
On Mopar convertibles there is a big piece of c-channel inside the rocker panel. That's probably what they meant.
Thanks MarkMopar,
That is nice specific information I did not know.
Would you think the inner rocker is the same shape for convertibles and hardtops - just that the vert would have the c-channel inside?
It's just so hard to tell if the AMD inner rocker is going to work or not.

Again, thanks for what you provided.
Sorry, I don't have an informed answer to that.