Full Version: 1968 Coronet 440 HT rear inside lower trim - Having difficulty
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Hi. We are having difficulties understanding the rear inside lower window trim. I have an image helping to illustrate whats going on.

We bought new trim and had the glass professionally installed but now we have no clue how this trim fits on.

From what we can tell it has a section that presses over the metal edge. But there is a load of glass glue goop in there - we were thinking we could cut it out but to get enough depth a lot would have to be cut out and difficult.

Also the trim seems to float above pretty high.

A lot of this stuff is funky and we are having trouble figuring it out. Any help on this is appreciated! Thanks!

Taken care of. Turns out its supposed to go on before the glass goes in and the F shape is long-part-up.